
Hojae Kirkpatrick

Yes, if a memory, thanks to forgetfulness, has been unable to contract any tie, to forge any link between itself and the present, if it has remained in its own place, of its own date, if it has kept its distance, its isolation in the hollow of a valley or on the peak of a mountain, it makes us suddenly breathe an air new to us just because it is an air we have formerly breathed, an air purer than that the poets have vainly called Paradisiacal, which offers that deep sense of renewal only because it has been breathed before, inasmuch as the true paradises are paradises we have lost.
Marcel Proust (1927) — Time Regained

Who am I?

Hello, my name is Nathan Kirkpatrick, though I prefer to go by my middle name, Hojae. I am a quintuple major (yes, really) at the University of Oklahoma, studying Mechanical Engineering, Philosophy, Mathematics, Economics, and Multi- Disciplinary Studies. I am a member of Air Force ROTC Detachment 675 and am actively involved in research. In my free time, I enjoy rock climbing, reading, and running marathons in HeyDudes—only partially a joke. And, if you’ve ever heard of Lobster Man, there’s a chance I may or may not be his secret identity. This website is a little personal project of mine, and I hope it provides an authentic glimpse into who I am. Below, you’ll find tabs to explore what I’ve been up to or am interested in:

Epic Quests:
